Friday 28 January 2011

Re: Year's New Solutions!

If your New Year's Resolutions have got in a bit of a jumble or you have fallen by the wayside, take heart and read on!

Each new year 40% - 45% of adults make one or more resolutions or goals for themselves. But research has shown that by mid-January, 30% of “resolutioners” have scaled back their resolution efforts; by June, most have given up their resolutions altogether.

Surprisingly 50% of people making resolutions feel confident about the success of their NYRs, yet only 10% actually achieved them. So why is this?

The reason why most people fail to keep resolutions is that for the majority of time they don’t think about them ... and this is natural. The behaviours we want change are unwanted habits and these are controlled by the sub-conscious mind.

Andy Cox, Clinical Hypnotherapist at Assured Effects in Poole, explains “It is very difficult to break habits because when we have performed a behaviour for several years we seemingly act entirely automatically and can have a cigarette or chocolate bar in our hands without even consciously thinking about.  People are too hard on themselves when they lapse and think they need to go back to square one – this is not true. They just need a new approach”

Hypnotherapy can change our sub-conscious beliefs and habits and get rid of our unwanted habits for good.

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